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a Guide to navigating the Summer heat

Every season brings its challenges and the summer is no different. Fertilizers and products that may have worked in the spring, applied now could potentially lead to lawn burn. If your lawn is healthy and green, it may become a feasting ground for grubs and larvae. So how can you navigate through the struggles of summer lawncare to keep your lawn lush and green through the season? Don’t worry, the experts at Rocky’s Ace Hardware are always here to help!


What is Lawn Burn

Fast-releasing fertilizers work great when waking up your lawn from a distressing winter. In early spring, it’s vital to provide your lawn with nutrients as a sort of wake up call. However, as the season’s progress and the temperatures raise, the fast-acting nitrogen in early fertilizers can do more harm than good. If your lawn consumes too much nitrogen in a short time, it won’t absorb any water. This eventually causes your grass to turn brown as if burned.
Helpful Tip: Don’t use fertilizers designed for spring use or any weed and feed products when its 85° or higher.

Fertilize Without Lawn Burn

Fertilizing your lawn in summer is essential for keeping your grass lush and protecting your yard from the harshness of heat and draught. When choosing the right lawn food, look for bags with low or slow-releasing nitrogen. If you’re following the Scott’s 4-step program, learn when to apply Step 4 here.

Tip: Have you noticed that three-digit number on the front of fertilizer bags? It represents the three main fertilizer nutrients (nitrogen: N, phosphorus: P and potassium: K). Each nutrient is designated by a number — a percentage of the pounds per hundred pounds of fertilizer. Choose fertilizer high in nitrogen for fast-growing grass. For good flower and vegetable production, choose fertilizer high in phosphorus. Choose fertilizer high in potassium to toughen your plants against disease and winter′s cold.