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Running a business requires a lot of time, effort, and investment. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable hardware store that can provide you with everything you need to keep your operation running smoothly. At Rocky’s Ace Hardware, you can trust our experts to work with you get you all of the tools & supplies you need!

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Laundry Supplies

IRONING TABLES AND COVERS Most ironing tables have perforated or metal-mesh tops that allow heat and steam to circulate and rubber-tipped tubular legs to prevent slipping or marring floors. Table heights are adjustable. Other convenience features include built-in cord...

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Household Furniture

Household furniture, much of it ready-to-assemble (RTA) for easy transporting, fills a need for attractive, lightweight, conveniently stored tables, chairs and stools for informal living and entertaining. With plated steel legs, padded seats, colored or woodgrain...

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Food Preparation

Canning is a very broad term. There are three types of canning: water bath for processing acid foods (fruits, tomatoes, pickles, relishes) at 212 degrees F; steam-pressure canning for processing low-acid foods (most vegetables, meats, soups) at 240 degrees F; and open...

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Floor and Rug Cleaners

Electric Floor Polishers and Scrubbers - Floor polishers and scrubbers leave floors with a longer-lasting polish with less effort. Features vary from model to model, but top-of-the-line appliances have three-speed motors to scrub and apply wax at lower speeds and...

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METAL COOKWARE Metal transfers heat quickly and evenly from the heat source to the food; this, and its durability, make it an efficient and popular cookware material. Metal cookware sales will also get a boost from the popularization of induction cooktops. In...

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Bath Accessories

HAMPERS Hampers in many colors and finishes, made of several materials including wicker, vinyl and wood. Proper ventilation is necessary to keep damp clothes and towels from mildewing. A fiber or wicker hamper, coated to resist splintering and warping, offers good...

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Wheel Goods

LAWN CARTS Light-duty lawn carts have a "V" or hopper shaped bottom and can be used for bulky materials such as tools or shrubs as well as seed fertilizer, etc. These metal and plastic carts are manufactured in 3 and 4 cu. ft. capacities and will tip flush to the...

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How pesticides are applied does make a difference in effective results, for greatest safety and economy. Pesticides must be used as directed. Chemicals should always be measured carefully and never used on a windy day when wind "drift" could carry the chemical into...

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Lawn Decoratives

FLOWER BORDERS Flower borders are made of galvanized or vinyl-coated metal to stop rust and eliminate sharp ends. Available in 6", 12" and 18" heights. GRASS EDGING Grass edging is embedded close to the ground to separate flower beds from lawn areas, keeping grass...

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Indoor Plant Care

WATERING Over-watering is the greatest cause of plant problems. Too much water literally drowns the roots by closing off the oxygen supply in the soil. First sign of trouble is yellowing of the lower leaves. A simple way to find out if a plant needs watering is to...

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