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Plumbing Accessories

FAUCET SPRAYS The heart of a faucet spray is a mechanism called a diverter or butterfly valve located inside the faucet in a chamber just below the base of the swing spout. This valve normally permits water to flow freely through the spout when the spray attachment is...

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Pipes, Fittings, and Valves

These materials may be made of metal or plastic. Plumbing components made of bronze and brass contain 3% to 8% lead. Lead serves two purposes in the copper alloys from which these materials are manufactured. First, lead aids in the manufacturing process by providing...

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COMPRESSION FAUCETS Water flow in a compression faucet (a common residential faucet) is regulated by turning a lever, T or four-ball handle attached to a threaded spindle. When the spindle is turned down, the washer or disk attached to its lower end is pressed tightly...

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Learn about Painting Supplies

Learn about Painting Supplies

PAINTING AIDS TACK CLOTHS A clean, well-prepared surface is essential for good paint results. The best way to clean a surface before painting or repainting is to use a tack cloth - a varnish-impregnated, open-mesh cloth that picks up and holds loose dirt, sand and...

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Learn about Painting Chemicals

Learn about Painting Chemicals

BRUSH AND ROLLER CLEANERS Commercially prepared brush and roller cleaners substantially reduce cleaning difficulty. Before these preparations are used, excess paint should be brushed or rolled from the tools. If directions are followed properly, cleaning is not a...

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Learn about Paintbrushes

APPLICATION TOOLS: BRUSHES Brushes are highly efficient for painting all areas - small, medium and large - and for all types of paint. A poor brush, however, will result in a poor finish. Filaments used in paint brushes are hog bristle and other animal bristles, as...

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Learn about Paint

LATEX PAINTS Latex paints can be thinned with water and are easily applied. Compared to oil-based paints, the advantages of latex paints are: Less odor Water cleanup Nonflammable Rapid drying Easy touchup Easy application, even on damp surfaces Better gloss and color...

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Learn about Aerosol Paints

Every aerosol consists of two elements - the propellant and the product itself, whether a liquid, foam or semisolid. Three kinds of propellants are used: hydrocarbons (liquid propellants), carbon dioxide (a compressed gas) and dimethyl ether. Hydrocarbons are...

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Interior Decor

WALLCOVERINGS Applying wallcovering is very much the province of do-it-yourselfers. Technical advancements make "paper-hanging" a relatively easy redecorating job. Self-adhesive or pre-pasted coverings simplify the job; paper- or fabric-backed vinyl wallcoverings...

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