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Running a business requires a lot of time, effort, and investment. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable hardware store that can provide you with everything you need to keep your operation running smoothly. At Rocky’s Ace Hardware, you can trust our experts to work with you get you all of the tools & supplies you need!

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Home Security

LOCKS Installation of locks is a common do-it-yourself project. According to market information, less than 7 percent of the total retail lock business is from locksmiths. A large percentage of consumers shop retail stores for locks. LOCK MECHANISMS The five mechanical...

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Gas, Smoke, and Fire Protection

DETECTORS Gas, smoke and fire detectors are common residential safety products. Many municipal building codes require smoke or fire detectors in multifamily dwellings, in new construction, and, in some cases, in existing single-family homes. There are three common...

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Wood Burning Stoves

Wood-burning stoves are an efficient source of supplemental and/or zone heating. Their energy efficiency rating is 40-65 percent of available usable heat; by comparison, most furnaces operate at about 70 percent efficiency. About 70 percent of a stove's usable heat...

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Supplemental Heaters

A space heater is the answer to those chilly days or evenings in spring or fall when it is not cold enough to start the furnace. It can also be used in extremely cold weather to raise the temperature of one room to a comfortable level while "dialing down" the...

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Setback Devices

Setback devices for furnaces and, in some cases, central air conditioning, evolved as a way of reducing energy consumption in the home with no loss in comfort. All of the units operate on the principle of a timer that turns the heat up or down automatically at...

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Cold air holds little moisture. When it enters the house and is warmed, the air in the house becomes uncomfortably dry. This dryness, in addition to causing personal discomfort such as respiratory distress and dry skin, can wither house plants, loosen joints in...

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Heat-Saving Items

It has been estimated that 90 percent of the heat generated by a conventional masonry fireplace goes up the chimney. To help make fireplaces more energy efficient, accessory items recover lost heat and return it to the room. HEAT-RECOVERY SYSTEMS One type...

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With the arrival of cooler weather, it is essential to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Fireplaces and wood burning stoves offer convenience and comfort to keep your family warm through the colder months. There are many different fireplace options out...

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Fireplace Furnishings

In addition to items that help the energy efficiency of fireplaces are those that are necessary to its operation or that add to its decorative value. Fire screens, andirons, grates, fire tools and gas logs fall into this category. With the exception of gas logs, there...

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As environmental issues continue to pick up steam, many consumers are turning to fans as a lower cost and environmentally safe cooling alternative. Fans, as a whole, use little energy compared to other cooling methods, and their low price point attracts cost conscious...

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