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Home Repair
Lawn & Garden
Outdoor & Seasonal
Digging Tools
SHOVELS Shovels are classified by construction, by point description or by handle length. The five kinds of construction are: Solid-shank blade and socket - hot rolled from one piece of metal with solid steel section at base of socket. Plain back (strap socket) - hot...
Cutting Tools
GRASS SHEARS Three widely used cutting actions for grass shears are draw cut, scissor action and leverage-assisted action. Draw-cut trimmers have a stationary lower blade and moving upper blade, operated by an up-and-down squeeze on the handle. Blades are tempered,...
Cultivating Tools
RAKES Most rakes have an overall length of 5' or 6' but that is where their similarities end. There are several types, each for a specific function. Garden Rakes are used to break up and smooth soil after it has been spaded and cultivated. They have sharp, curved...
Soil Conditioners
PEAT AND PEAT MOSS The first step in all gardening is proper soil preparation. No matter what else is used, a garden needs a good soil conditioner consisting of decayed organic matter. Organic matter will improve many problem soils. It will loosen clay soils to...
Grass, vegetable and flower seeds are sold either in bulk or packages, with packages far more widespread. Seed packages are extremely functional because they carry complete planting instructions, showing planting and harvesting times for geographic areas. LAWN SEED...
Pesticide is an umbrella term that covers insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Although chemical pesticides in dry and liquid forms are widely used, there are other forms of lawn, garden and household insect control. There are a variety of solid insect repellent...
All lawns are deficient in nitrogen because grass quickly uses up the natural supply. Some also need phosphorus and potassium. There are three common types of fertilizers: natural organic, inorganic and synthetic organic. Natural organic fertilizers, such as manure,...
Home Security
LOCKS Installation of locks is a common do-it-yourself project. According to market information, less than 7 percent of the total retail lock business is from locksmiths. A large percentage of consumers shop retail stores for locks. LOCK MECHANISMS The five mechanical...
Gas, Smoke, and Fire Protection
DETECTORS Gas, smoke and fire detectors are common residential safety products. Many municipal building codes require smoke or fire detectors in multifamily dwellings, in new construction, and, in some cases, in existing single-family homes. There are three common...
Wood Burning Stoves
Wood-burning stoves are an efficient source of supplemental and/or zone heating. Their energy efficiency rating is 40-65 percent of available usable heat; by comparison, most furnaces operate at about 70 percent efficiency. About 70 percent of a stove's usable heat...